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Emergenet: Scalable Pandemic Risk Assessment of Influenza A Strains Circulating In Non-human Hosts
Using machine learning to predict emergence in viral strains and future mutations in the wild. Paper written with Dr. Ishanu Chattopadhyay in ZeD Lab at UChicago Medicine.
Abusive Language and Hate Speech Detection for Javanese
This paper develops a deep learning approach to abusive language and hate speech detection using Javanese and Indonesian large language models (LLMs). We experiment on a Javanese Twitter dataset created by Putri et al., beating their F-measure of 0.780 with an F-measure 0.854 on the test set.
Riemann-Roch through the Dollar Game
An expository paper completed in the UChicago Mathematics REU 2021. I introduce the theory behind the Dollar Game on finite graphs and discuss winning algorithms and conditions for winnability. This builds up to a proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem for graphs.