LEGO profile picture
ECG Classification with Deep Implicit Layers
Classification of ECG signals from the MIT-BIH dataset using ResNet, Neural ODE, and Deep Equilibrium Network
My Rap Space
An online freestyle rap tool that generates rhymes over instrumentals; won the Wolfram Award at Hack@Brown 2021
Math REU Problem Sets
All six problem sets from the UChicago Mathematics REU 2021 and my solutions written in LaTeX, with figures using Tikz (Problem Set 4, question 1 is pretty cool)
Make 24!
A terminal version of the card game 24: compute 24 with unlimited parentheses and the four functions (+, −, ×, ÷)
CSES Solutions
Solutions to the CSES competitive programming problem set in C++
CodeForces Favorites
A collection of my favorite competitive programming problems and my solutions in C++