@article{ayalew2024progressor,title={{PROGRESSOR}: {A} Perceptually Guided Reward Estimator with Self-Supervised Online Refinement},author={Ayalew, Tewodros W. and Zhang, Xiao and Wu, Kevin Yuanbo and Jiang, Tianchong and Maire, Michael and Walter, Matthew R.},journal={Under review, Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},year={2025},}
Emergenet: A Digital Twin of Sequence Evolution for Scalable Emergence Risk Assessment of Animal Influenza A Strains
@article{wu2024emergenetdigitaltwinsequence,title={Emergenet: {A} Digital Twin of Sequence Evolution for Scalable Emergence Risk Assessment of Animal Influenza A Strains},author={Wu, Kevin Yuanbo and Li, Jin and Esser-Kahn, Aaron and Chattopadhyay, Ishanu},journal={Under review, Science Advances},year={2024},}
@article{wu2021dollargame,title={Riemman-Roch through the Dollar Game},author={Wu, Kevin Yuanbo},journal={The University of Chicago Mathematics REU},year={2021},}